Lisa's Blog

it's superfly!

Monday, June 20, 2005

cool ideas

well just in case anyone is in need of entertaining themselves i thought i would share my fabulous recent inventions with you:

wall dancing - basically like pole dancing or whatever but against a wall. it's great! i've also been dancing on benches and tables but got chucked off them at the union last night, what a bummer. some people have no sense of fun. it's a good way of getting attention though! i want to try dancing on the bar as well. and of course broom dancing, which is pretty similar to pole dancing i guess. bed dancing is another good one, although it actually just means sleeping. i mean who really wants to dance with people when you have all these things instead! soo overrated.

moonbathing - well apparently i did not invent this because someone told me that they had been talking about it last week, but blah. i thought of it because it was really hot earlier so i was outside loads just walking around (most exercise i've done in ages! apart from all the dancing) and then when it got dark there was someone lying on the grass with sunglasses on. how cool! i'm gonna try it sometime cos it'll be just as relaxing as sunbathing and i won't need to worry about getting burnt.

crazy running and dancing - i have been doing these for years and they are very liberating, basically running around outside like a twat and dancing very stupidly.

sometimes even i amaze myself with my genius ideas man.


  • At 12:02 PM, Blogger Daphnewood said…

    I do that bed dancing a lot. Sleep is good. The moon-bathing is not as safe as you think. Getting naked under the moonlight has cause many burns! rug burns, grass burns, etc.


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